Generated by N2003 Replay Analyzer


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RACE RESULTS (After 60 laps)

Pos No   Driver                           Laps   Race Time       Diff    Speed Points
 1     7  yoppe                             60  54m47.014s             164.283    185
 2    75  tony                              60  54m47.073s    00.059s  164.280    175
 3   522  who                               60  54m47.091s    00.077s  164.279    170
 4    33  Samidare                          60  54m47.145s    00.131s  164.277    165
 5    28  niza                              60  55m00.498s    13.484s  163.612    160
 6    48  kazuma                            60  55m00.679s    13.665s  163.603    150
 7    54  Momo                              59  54m47.219s   1 lap(s)  161.535    151
 8    43  ThreeCar                          59  54m47.301s   1 lap(s)  161.531    142
 9    98  YmKn                              58  55m28.850s   2 lap(s)  156.811    138
10    38 M Ayabon                           30  33m28.527s  30 lap(s)  134.427    134
11    46  Shim                              24  26m46.339s  36 lap(s)  134.467    135
12    -1 Pace Car                            0 DidNotStart  60 lap(s)         
13   000  HOST                               0 DidNotStart  60 lap(s)         

Race results are official


Pos Driver                                 Time    Speed  Lap
 1   Samidare                           46.492s  193.582   41
 2   kazuma                             46.523s  193.453   41
 3   niza                               46.628s  193.017   41
 4   YmKn                               46.684s  192.786    3
 5   who                                46.699s  192.724    3
 6   ThreeCar                           46.735s  192.575   53
 7  M Ayabon                            46.758s  192.481    3
 8   Momo                               46.772s  192.423   20
 9   yoppe                              46.875s  192.000    5
10   Shim                               46.878s  191.988    5
11   tony                               46.879s  191.984    7
12   HOST                               No Time   
13  Pace Car                            No Time   


Driver                           Laps
 Shim                            1-7
 yoppe                           8-9
 Samidare                        10-15
 yoppe                           16
 Momo                            17
 yoppe                           18-23
 tony                            24-25
 yoppe                           26-28
 niza                            29
 yoppe                           30-36
 tony                            37-38
 yoppe                           39-50
 Samidare                        51
 tony                            52-54
 who                             55-58
 yoppe                           59-60

Number of lead changes: 15
Number of leaders: 7


Driver                           Laps led
 yoppe                           33
 Shim                            7
 Samidare                        7
 tony                            7
 who                             4
 Momo                            1
 niza                            1

Replay doesn't contain qualifying info - skipping "Highest Climber" table


Driver                           Stops/Laps
 who                                 (6/60)
 tony                                (6/60)
 YmKn                                (5/58)
 Momo                                (5/59)
 yoppe                               (5/60)
 kazuma                              (5/60)
 niza                                (5/60)
 Samidare                            (4/60)
M Ayabon                             (4/30)
 ThreeCar                            (4/59)
 Shim                                (3/24)


Driver                           Laps/Total


Driver                           Laps/Total    Percent
 ThreeCar                           (52/59)      88.14
 niza                               (52/60)      86.67
 Samidare                           (52/60)      86.67
 yoppe                              (51/60)      85.00
 tony                               (51/60)      85.00
 YmKn                               (50/58)      86.21
 Momo                               (49/59)      83.05
 who                                (49/60)      81.67
 kazuma                             (48/60)      80.00
M Ayabon                            (23/30)      76.67
 Shim                               (19/24)      79.17

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
 who                             11.967          6.030      54.824s     60
 Momo                            11.995          5.713      55.768s     59
 kazuma                          12.022          5.378      55.059s     60
 tony                            12.093          5.680      54.825s     60
 niza                            12.153          5.364      55.054s     60
 yoppe                           12.162          5.595      54.829s     60
 YmKn                            12.179          5.126      57.474s     58
 Samidare                        12.181          5.919      54.832s     60
 ThreeCar                        12.206          5.761      55.774s     59
M Ayabon                         21.553          5.381    1m07.438s     30
 Shim                            22.855          9.652    1m07.580s     24

All times are official

Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer